The body is completely off the frame, bulkhead aside, and all my issues have been revealed. So far my major concern is of course the front frame horn on the driver side ... that weld didn't even think about adhering.
On the passenger side in between the spring mounts (just in front of the shock mount) is a bit that has rusted through and will need to be patched as well. From there back though are only minor issues, which I'm pretty happy about. Everything bulkhead back is in good shape, although once the tub came off it was obvious that repairs had been made before and the welds are decent, but careless as they weren't ground down in the slightest which we'll fix soon enough.
Rear crossmember and bumper are in good shape and that too looks to be a replacement at some point during this trucks thirty-some-odd year lifespan so far. Wanting to make sure I didn't create any more problems, as I stripped paint and grit I wiped down and shot with primer to keep the steel clean. When all the cleaning is complete the entire frame and axles will get coated in POR-15 or equivalent.
As I got around to cleaning all the exposed parts of the drive train I was surprised to see how filthy it was. As I was uncovering years of road grime and grease I kept finding tiny surprises. The VIN was stamped into the side of the transfer case, 'Made In England' was stamped into the block, I just found it fascinating.
When I pulled the alternator back to clean some of the grit off the block I found it had a Ford part number. I wonder how long that's been in there? It's okay though, the starter solenoid I had to use when it went bad came out of a late 70's Ford, so I guess it's all right.
The engine cleans well with a drill and a wire brush in the large flat surfaces, whereas elbow-grease and sweat are required to get in the nooks and crannies. If anybody has an easier method by all means, shoot me an email!
Most of the body panels are stripped. I'm halfway finished with the tub and the hood was finally completed today. Once those get knocked out I'll haul them off to the storage unit and have a semi-clean garage to finish cleaning and grinding in. I think I've bought my last gallon of paint stripper but will just move on to primers, paints and sanding materials. I've just started and I can already see it never ends!
Some various pictures. Some need explanation, some don't.
Paint is now stripped from the badge ... it is plastic though! I had always thought they were metal! Plan is to use a tip I picked up form somebody along the way and that is to paint the entire thing black, and then use a sharp cloth to wipe the paint from the raised lettering before it dries.
Holy booger-welds Batman! Guess the guy who put those in never heard of a grinder.
Getting cleaner. I wish there was some Agent Orange type stuff that would just kill all the surface rust and road grime at the same time and I could just hose it off.
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